Once upon a time, International Harvester was a manufacturer of agricultural equipment, construction machinery, and vehicles such as trucks and school buses. It was founded by J.P. Morgan himself, and it continued to offer numerous types of vehicles and other equipment until the 1980s. If you are looking for a manual for your International Harvester equipment or machinery, then we have what you need. • We have more than 3.000 International Harvester manuals to choose from. That makes us probably the single largest portal for International Harvest manuals on the Internet. Nowhere else can you find a collection of manuals of this number on just a single website! This means that if you are a collector of International Harvester memorabilia, this is the only website you need to visit in order to get the information you want. With the sheer number of manuals available, if you have three different IH machines you don’t have to visit three different websites (at least) if you want to know more about them. Even if you own just one, then you’re more likely to find the particular manual you need here than anywhere else. You don’t have to slog through different websites hoping you’ll get lucky. If you are already on this page because you are looking for a particular IH manual, you need not go anywhere else! • With a manual on hand, you can consult it anytime you have concerns or questions about your equipment. Some websites offer forums where other members may answer your questions, and other sites have volunteer personnel whom you can email with your questions. But the answers will take time to get to you. With a manual, you just need to go to the correct page. • We have the precise information you are looking for. Some of our manuals can tell you how to use your tractor properly or how to drive your truck. Other manuals can tell you how to perform various maintenance procedures to preserve your IH machine so it can last longer. You’ll also know how to do basic, or even advanced, repairs. You may also find a manual that gives detailed explanations on the various parts of the IH machine. It labels each part correctly, and you will be able to understand how each part works in conjunction with the other parts. You’ll be better able to recognize if something needs repairs, and you’ll also know how to look for a particular part properly. Some of our manuals even have all these procedures collated into one single manual. International Harvest tractors and trucks have attained cult status today, but they are much more valuable when they run smoothly. You can make sure of that only if you know how to properly use it and take care of it and that means you need the right manual to consult. With a manual from The Manual Store, you can be sure you’ll get the information you need to ensure that your International Harvester machine stays in tiptop shape for a very long time.